When people decide that the time to bring their marriage to an end has come, they may face numerous hurdles. From a bitter custody dispute to disagreements regarding the division of marital property, spousal support, or child support payments, divorce can be contentious for many reasons. Furthermore, these stressors can have an emotional impact on people that should not be overlooked. In fact, there is evidence to support that divorce can actually increase the likelihood of a motor vehicle accident.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information published a study which looked into the link between life events that are very stressful, such as divorce, and the likelihood of a motor vehicle collision. After analyzing data from thousands of participants, researchers were able to draw a link between divorce and car crashes and conclude that recently going through a divorce or separation increases one’s chances of being involved in a traffic collision. Other emotional challenges, such as one’s child moving out of the home, a partner becoming hospitalized, and even significant purchases were also shown to increase the likelihood of a car crash.
Clearly, a link can be drawn between ending one’s marriage and a higher car accident risk. As a result, those who are in the process of divorcing their spouse or have recently split up should be especially vigilant when they are on the road. Sadly, a car crash can make life even more difficult for those who are already trying to move forward from a contentious or upsetting divorce.